Leonard Pianalto
MSc, P.Eng., LEED® AP, FEC | Managing Principal
Leonard’s experience as an engineering consultant and in the specialty manufacturing industry spans more than 25 years. He is technically minded, client focused and results oriented.
Leonard oversees a diverse team of engineers and technologists to deliver a wide array of service offerings, including building enclosure design, energy modelling, heritage preservation, structural restoration, condition assessments, demolition planning, seismic upgrading, façade engineering, and specialty structural engineering. In his technical practice, Leonard focuses on custom façades and building maintenance solutions, and is an industry leader in these areas. He routinely presents best practices, emerging technologies and current standards at conferences across Canada.
Leonard completed his bachelor degree at the University of British Columbia, and his master’s at the University of Calgary. He is a part-time instructor for the School of Construction and the Environment at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and the principal editor of the Glazing Systems Specifications Manual. He continues to be very active within EGBC, is the Former Chair of the Canadian Glass Association’s Technical Committee; and the Former Chair of the Professional Practice Committee for the Structural Engineers Association of British Columbia.